- はっきり述べる、分かりやすく[内容{ないよう}をかみ砕いて]説明{せつめい}する
explain clearly 意味
- i don't understand the meaning of this ! please explain clearly .
意味が分からない! ちゃんと説明してください。
- "explain away the situation" 意味
- "explain briefly" 意味
- "explain by analogy" 意味
- "explain by e-mail" 意味
- "explain carefully" 意味
- "explain complicated international issues as easily and plainly as possible" 意味
- "explain concept of" 意味
- "explain confusedly" 意味
- "explain current events" 意味
- "explain by e-mail" 意味
- "explain carefully" 意味
- "explain complicated international issues as easily and plainly as possible" 意味
- "explain concept of" 意味